Resolve Health Symptoms at their Root
Health coach, nutritionist or even doctor…it’s total speculation.
Whether you seek our the help of a health ‘expert,’ nutritionist, naturopath or even your doctor, you are playing a giant guessing game with your health.
The truth is, their recommendations are completely made up, not only are health ‘experts’ but psychics in their spare time it seems, since they can mysteriously predict your body’s nutrient levels without administering any form of testing.
You only need what you are lacking.
While their intentions may be sincere, these such people frequently lack the comprehensive understanding and scientific grounding required to offer accurate and personalized guidance regarding your specific vitamin needs. When professionals recommend you take a Vitamin supplement they are asserting that you are lacking that vitamin or mineral - but, how would they know, what are they basing it on?
Coaches, Nutritionists and even Doctors often recommend the most common and well known vitamins and minerals, without any concern for whether or not their clients are actually lacking these precise nutrients, or what else they may be lacking. Many times people are recommended Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C or Iron, but never recommended Manganese, Bioflavonoids, Potassium or Selenium. Why is it any more likely that you need Calcium rather than Bioflavonoids, Magnesium but not Potassium? In fact the evidence suggests that more people are deficient in potassium than they are magnesium, yet it’s not often recommended. Where is the evidence that you need what they are recommending to you?